20 Hilarious Moments of Our God
If you never laughed reading the Bible, you aren't paying attention—here comes a list of God's epic sense of humor.
No. 1 - “Abraham: don’t look at me”
Sarah: “I did not laugh.”
God: “Yes you did!”
No.2 - “Me too”
Jesus kept telling the disciples that Lazarus was “sleep”. They just weren’t getting it and finally Jesus said, “Lazarus is DEAD…”
No.3 - “When jealousy gives a speech”
God mocks false gods—He was basically saying: “Such idols are carved from the same log that is burned to make food!” ( Isaiah 44:16-17)
No.4 - “Why can’t you understand?”
Jesus never asked, “Does this make sense?” But instead, He was always like, “Do you understand?” “I can't believe you guys don’t understand.” “How come that you still don’t understand?”
No.5 - “ No, it really matters.”
(John 20 1-8) When John and Peter were running to Jesus’s tomb, John repeatedly mentioned how he ran faster than Peter did.
No.6- “Holy drunk”
(Ephesians 5:18) “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
No.7- “Yeah right.”
The Samaritan woman said "I have no husband", and Jesus replied, "You are correct in saying that because you've had five husbands and the one you're living with now is not your husband.”
No.8 - “The worst sermon in the history of sermons, ever”
As Paul kept on preaching, a young man named Eutychus fell asleep and fell off the window sill from the third floor and was picked up dead. Paul went down and brought his life back supernaturally and then told others he was still alive.
No.9 - "Therapy made simple”
When Elijah was suicidal God just gave him food.
(I had a similar anecdote with God:
Last year for once I was suicidal, the spirit of depression pressing on me hard, and one morning I cried my heart out and prayed and begged God to take my life now. Soon after I grew tired from crying, I heard a voice asking me, “Are you still going to the gym today?” It took me a second to respond to what I just heard but without thinking I answered, “Well, yeah, why, of course.” I froze for a second while my face was still tearful, and then broke out laughing. I felt God smiling, “You’re good.”)
No.10 - “Mom”
At the Cana weddings when Mary told Jesus, "They're out of wine" and Jesus said, "What does this have to do with me?"
Mary ignored Him and told the servants to do as He said.
No.11 - “When you complain at dinner before Dad”
Numbers 11:17-20 where Moses complained to God about the people that He led out of Egypt were complaining of only having manna to eat, but no meat.
God said, “You shall eat, not one day, nor two days, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days, but a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils!”
No.12 - “JESUS - 6:00 - PARKING LOT.”
Pharisees told Jesus to leave because Herold wanted to kill Him, and He responded, go and tell that fox I am here today, tomorrow, and the next tomorrow.
No.13 - “Hangry”
Jesus cursed a fig tree that had no fruits when he was hungry.
No.14 - “Nail it.”
God rained frogs in Egypt to show His power to Pharaoh. Just sit on that for a moment.
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No.15 - “Coincidence”
(1 Samuel 16:7-14) God told Samuel people look at outward appearances but He looks at the heart. A few verses later, when the moment David showed up in a description of his handsomeness, He said immediately to Samuel, “Anoint him, that’s the one!”
No.16 - “Like I give a fluff”
When people in Nazareth drove Jesus out of the temple and tried to push Him off a cliff, He walked right through the crowd and went on His way.
No.17 - “He denied me three times first”
Jesus asked Peter three times “Do you love Me” and told him three times after He got a Yes, “Feed my sheep.”
No.18 - “I was rude, but they were idiots”
(John 8:38-44) Jesus kept saying to the Pharisees, “You are doing the deeds of your father,” and No, I mean your father. Yours. But they just couldn’t get it, mentioning first Abraham and then God the Father. At last, after a rant “Why do you not understand,” He was officially done with euphemism: “Your father is the devil!”
No.19 - “Messiah, the Jewish expectation”
(John 2:15-16) Jesus made “a scourge of cords” to whip people trading goods out of the temple.
No.20 - “Did He just wink”
(John 4:31-33) “Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, eat.’ But He said to them, ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about.’ So the disciples were saying to one another, ‘No one brought Him anything to eat, did he?’”
No.21(Bonus) - “Not even making money on prostitution”
(Ezekiel 16:33-34) God, after ranting about how He adopted an abandoned girl infant(Israel) and raised her to be a princess yet she only enjoyed being a prostitute—
“Oh, did I forget to mention—but you’re not like the other prostitutes—other prostitutes make money on prostitution but you have to bride your whoremasters.”
I love this! It was very funny indeed.